Larisa ‘Comeback Kid’ Yurkiw to Compete Despite Setbacks

Larisa ‘Comeback Kid’ Yurkiw to Compete Despite Setbacks

foot rehabilitationLarisa Yurkiw is set to fulfill her namesake and make her long-awaited comeback to the Sochi Winter Olympic games. The 25-year old Canadian skier has a long history with injuries. Indeed, according to The Star; the ‘Comeback Kid’ suffered a massive knee injury in 2009, at which point she spent years rehabilitating herself in an effort to complete her dream.

However, after recently spraining her ankle on a simple downhill training ski, she was dropped from Alpine Canada’s team.

Not to be stopped, Larisa set herself to raise $150,000 in order to qualify as an independent and race her dream at Sochi. When asked about being dropped, she said, “It stung…but the reality is…that pushed me into a place that has made me grow and develop and get to know myself better and reach my potential and beyond.”

Ankle sprains can put you off your game when you need it most. For help dealing with a sprain, consider calling a podiatrist like Dr. Michael Wynn of the Foot Care Associates of Texas. Dr. Wynn can diagnose your injury and help you decide which treatment fits best.

Foot Rehabilitation for Athletes

Injured athletes are always looking for better, faster ways to aid their recovery and get back to the sport they love. To do this, podiatrists and physical therapists are often consulted so the injured athlete can get back onto the field as soon as possible. But rehabbing an injury is just as serious as the injury itself, and going through the motions of physical therapy or rehabilitation is a necessary process to keeping that injury at bay.

Sports Therapist or Physical Therapist?

If an athlete gets a foot injury, it is essential to receive foot rehabilitation to ensure proper healing. Sports therapists are more focused on athletic-related injuries than general physical therapists. It is important for an athlete to become healed properly because if they attempt to get back into their game before they are physically well, they could re-aggravate the original injury or even suffer a new one due to their weakened state.

Physical Therapy Gives Hope

Physical therapy helps to keep athletes as active as they are physically capable, which will get them ready to return to the field once their feet become healed. Physical therapy often gives hope to athletes. However in cases where the injury is very serious, the athlete may never be able to return to the game; but this does not mean it is the end of the road, as there is always hope to get better. It is best to seek out rehabilitation as soon as possible so there are better chances for a full recovery, no matter how severe or minor the injury is.

Preventing injuries is one thing, but avoiding them all together is harder than it seems, and when one does occur, seek out medical attention right away from your local podiatrist and sports therapist.

For more information, contact our office in Kingwood, TX. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Ankle Sprains.

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